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Marketing Plans

Here at Rusty Media we offer the very best influencer and email marketing there is, all for an extremely affordable price. Browse customer testimonials and marketing plans to see which best suits you and you business. Happy Shopping!

Customer Testimonials

why you should buy...

Adrian Carey

E commerce Store Owner

I started on the business plan, and i instantly started receiving viral traffic and lots of sales of my products, very happy with my experience, would recommend rusty media to friends.

Susan Crossman

E commerce Store Owner  

My beauty company instantly started to take off as soon as i started using Rusty Media ! I was selling over 100 units everyday, and currently averaging 72.Great Marketing.

Stephen Jenkin

Performance Marketer

where do i start, Rusty Media changed my life, they have great CPI and mobile traffic for my offers,with their influencer marketing they are unstoppable! Truly amazing, i have upgraded to the Ultimate plan its thoroughly worth it.

Jennifer Bawerman

E commerce Store Owner

The premium plan is wat i went to first, its only $250 a month and packs a punch, my sales quintupled with Rusty Media, great support and social media exposure, very satisfied customer will recommend to anyone starting a store.


$ 50

per month

  • Personal Use
  • 1 theme page promotions per month
  • 3 emails a month sent to a list of 30,000 qualified buyers
  • Email Support
  • Social Media Tips
  • agency level logo design


$ 100

per month

  • Business Use
  • 2 theme page promotions per month
  • 5 emails a month sent to list of 30,000 qualified buyers
  • Fast Email Support
  • Social Media Tips
  • agency level logo design


$ 250

per month

  • Commercial Use
  • 3 theme page promotions per month
  • 7 emails a month sent to list of 30,000 qualified buyers
  • Premium Email Support
  • Social Media Tips
  • agency level logo design


$ 500

per month

  • Corporation Use
  •  5 theme page promotions per month
  • 10 emails a month sent to list of 30,000 qualified buyers
  • Ultimate Email Support And Linkedln 1 On 1 Private Support
  • Social Media Tips
  • agency level logo design